Sunday 5 May 2013

Flickr Raffle Card

Hi friends

I am back after a short break from my blog!  It's so lovely to see the sun shine!  I love warm, sunny days - they put you in the right mood for art! :)

Here is a raffle card I made this morning for the Flickr Raffle Group, (called "Windflowers!")  I want to draw/paint more flowers - they make me feel good!

I am also in the mood to draw angels - like the angel card shown below!  I will be making more like her for my Etsy shop, and maybe to list on ebay too!

I am off to do some weeding now as the garden badly needs it (although I do quite like the "meadow" look, with it's lovely wild flowers!)

Hope you are enjoying your weekend too - I will be back soon! :)